Saturday, February 2, 2013

Boston or Bust

Well we finally got the word from the coordinators at Boston Children's and we are set for the fetal cardiac intervention on Wednesday the 6th!  We will be heading to  Boston on Sunday.  Monday will be a relax day and hopefully be able to catch a few of the sights in Boston.  Adam said something about maybe taking a tour of Fenway Park.  We are looking forward to seeing our friends Mitch and Steph.  Steph lives around Boston and has been gracious enough to let us stay with her.  We're so fortunate to have such awesome friends!  Tuesday will be a full marathon day of ultrasounds, echocardiograms, and  meetings with the doctors who will be doing the procedure to make sure that Shawn is still a candidate for the fetal cardiac intervention.  After that we will meet with the high-risk OB doctors to make sure that I am able to go through with the procedure.  When everything turns out okay we will just have to sign consent forms and then we will be all set for the procedure on Wednesday.  We are not sure on a time for the intervention but we will know more once we get out to Boston.  We will have to stay in the hospital for at least one night maybe two, and then will stay around Boston another day to make sure everything is fine.  Just wanted to thank everyone for the support you have been giving us and please contiune to pray for Shawn as we go through the fetal cardiac intervention.

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