Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 2 - Recovery

Shawn is recovering well.  Beth and I were present for his first day of rounds and we were told that he is doing much better today then yesterday.  That is to be expected as he just had a major open heart procedure yesterday!  His oxygen saturations are keeping somewhat stable in the mid to high 70s which is fantastic.  He is having a little trouble keeping his blood pressure up but it seems like a major balancing act what with all the chemicals and fluids he is on.  They started him on a diuretic which will help get the fluid that's been backed up in his lungs this whole time in utero out of his system.  It will also help with his swelling.  The doctors are feeling like his lungs are definitely getting better since his saturations are looking so good with also the concentrations they are seeing in his blood draws.  Check out this crazy picture I was able to take of this morning's chest x-ray.  You can see the IV real easy and if you look real close you can see the stent they placed yesterday.  It is HUGE!!!  Pretty incredible stuff.

First hair washing!

 His foot... just because!

Here's a good pic to see just some of the medications/fluids he is on.

Beth is doing remarkably well.  Up and moving like a champ and the doctors are amazed how good her incision looks and how well she is recovering.  She still is obviously very tired from everything and with having to pump every 3 hours she has had little opportunity to sleep.

Big sister, Zoey, came for a visit today!  Beth and I were so excited to see her.  She was as happy as ever and is having a blast hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa!  She won't be able to see her little brother for a few months but when she does she'll no doubt love him as we love him.  It's comforting to know that Shawn will have a tough brute of a big sister to look out for him.

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