Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 12 and a little of Day 13 too

His arrhythmia persisted all yesterday.  Further down on his dopamine and fentanyl as well.  Pretty quiet day which all changed early this morning.  Around 5:00am this morning he was having some major fits with low heart rates in the 100s and dropping blood pressure.  His lactates in his blood were also creeping up which is a sign his heart muscles were under stress.  He lost his right hand IV which was giving him the prostagladin medication to keep his ductus open so he was not getting this medication for two minutes which may have caused the issues.  After about 2 or 3 hours (felt like an eternity to Beth and I) he came out of it, numbers came up and stabilized, and he is much better now.  Sats, heart rate, and blood pressure right where they want it.  Lactates in his blood also normalized.  They ran another central line this morning, this one in his femoral artery, which should be a more permanent access line to administer some of his medications.

Also this morning he decided to come out of his arrythmia and is now beating normally at a rate of 153 beats per minute!

Shawn's Snoedel hoodie when they turn the lights on!  Thanks Aunt Erica!

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